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3rd LMCyP Research Poster Contest

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The General Directorate CEST, Coordination of LMCyP and the Research and Laboratories Department

We invite you to participate in the 3rd LMCyP Research Poster Contest within the framework of the XII Conference on Medical Update.

About the register

From September 12th to October 7th, the participants´ registration will be received in classroom: ulm7xdu, they must write their full name starting with last names, email, semester to which they belong and group, participation will be by pairs or individual, so they must register both participants´ names in such a case.

Upload the summary of your poster to the following classroom: ulm7xdu, once the summary in English or Spanish has been reviewed, you will be assigned a poster number. Stay tuned through classroom.

From October 10th to 14th, participants must report to the Research and Laboratories Dept. to verify if your data is correct, for the issuance of diplomas.

About the poster

Carry out your research in English or Spanish, remember that honesty is an institutional value, avoid academic plagiarism.

The posters must contain: Introduction, Development of the topic, Conclusions, and Bibliography, in the case of Research Thesis, they must add Methodology and Results.

On the day of the contest (October 18th, starting at 8:00 am) you must put your poster on the partitions that will be already found in the polyfo rum with the previously assigned number.

Present verbally your research poster in English or Spanish in a maximum of 5 minutes and answer the evaluators' questions.

The posters must have the following dimensions: 90*1.20 cm, printed on the material of your choice except canvas.

About the evaluation

The juries will pass throughout the day October 18th, 2022 (from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.), it is important that participants keep close to their poster, since, if it is not presented, it will be disqualified, each jury is responsible of the total of scores. The evaluation will be carried out according to an evaluation tool. The committee will meet on October 19th to decide which posters will win 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. The award ceremony will be held on October 20th.

Evaluation Committees:

Basic Sciences: Dr. Samuel Rosas Sandoval, QFB Joana Sanluis Rodríguez, L.L.M Cristhyan Alejandro Vivanco Hernández.

Clinical-Surgical Sciences: Dr. Alejandro Chávez Sánchez, Dra. Idalia Pliego Pliego, Dr. Francisco Céspedes Castillo, L.L.M. Diego Román Andrade.

Socio-Medical Sciences: MC Fabiola Reyes Maldonado, Lic. Jeanet Ulloa Ruiz, L.L.M. María Fernanda Sánchez Potenciano.

Research Thesis: M. en C. Ma. de Lourdes Mora Munguía, Dra. Gabriela Martínez Romero, L.L.M. Diego Román Andrade.

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